Tudor Replica Watches

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Tudor Replica Watches collection with the Moon and Comet Watch. It offers a unique interface that is marked by luxury, which few women can resist. Mademoiselle Prive Collection was inspired by Coco Chanel's love of symbols and objects. These were used as the main motif for stunning feminine timepieces.Fake Watches This new design features a night sky with stars, a sleeping moon face, and a comet falling. The sparkling stones give the spectacle a glamorous feel that is the trademark of this prestigious French brand.

The Mademoiselle Collection is a collection of artistic crafts that are at the service of high-end watches. The exquisite art of this time is displayed by a dial that has a unique way to show time. The hours are shown by a moon-tipped long hand, and 12 diamond hour markers attached to the sapphire crystal ring above. The blue dial's central portion looks like the night sky, with its many stars. The dial has minute indicators as well as an interesting curved handle that represents a comet falling.

Tudor Replica Watches is made from white gold with a diameter of 37.5mm.Patek Philippe Replica The crown is covered with a cabochon cut onyx and 60 brilliant-cut Diamonds (1.09 Carats). The glamorous design is complemented by a gorgeous gray satin strap with its 80 diamonds (0.48 carsats) pin buckle.

As we are used to seeing from Chanel, aesthetic perfection is often accompanied by an exquisite interior work. The renowned watchmaker equipped the watch, which has a 42-hour power reserve, with a self-winding system to keep the moon and comet moving.